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By tinhead
hackrid wrote:Hi,

has anyone yet measured the frequency the GPIO can be toggled at?
I'm thinking of using one of these modules as a controller for a RGB LED strip with ws2811 LEDs which would require >800 kHz

GPIO4 was 824kHz and GPIO16 (which is the slowest) 555kHz. This are values without any clock changes or any kind of optimized code, simply default init and toggle gpio on/off in C (using the SDK 0.9.2 API)
Last edited by tinhead on Tue Sep 30, 2014 4:09 am, edited 3 times in total.
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By RichardS
#1044 Using the API? They are doing something funny to get such different #'s, should not really care what I/O.... like Arduino, lots of "funk" behind the scenes!

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By tinhead
admin wrote:Using the API?

yes, with the API

admin wrote:Using the API?
They are doing something funny to get such different #'s

well, the diff is coming from the number of necessary cycles to reconfigure that bit special GPIO16 (RTC and XPD_DCDC) at every GPIO16 action, where on all other pins (even the GPIO9 and 10, which are normally SPI flash D2 and D3 and not regular GPIO) it is sufficient to set mux register only once and then simply toggle on/off pin when necessary.
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By hackrid
#1052 AP-102 is a really good hint! but also rather expensive :(

Boblight Client for this module would be really awesome! What do you think, is this a good reference to start implementing it on the module?
I think that would be a fairly good application!