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By BettyRNorahDeniels78
#93747 I am using my ESP8266 for simple tape light projects. I used to use the simple cheap premade kits but following some YouTube videos I decided to try something new.

I get WLED setup easy enough and get everything working..but then problems persist. First I had several boards failing but once I solved that issue and changed power supplies (instead of powering through USB which was overheating) I solved those problems.

But now, every one or two days the WiFi drops and the board is no longer responding, I have to reset it via the button or unplug and replug them in. This is not good because things are all tucked away.

My Wifi itself is not going out, I have a mesh system in my house that is strong so I don't know why it is dropping out. Not sure where to go from here. .feel like I wasted a lot of time and money.

Is there another method for running WLED maybe hardwired to the network rather than Wifi..or some other alternative? Can anyone also maybe tell me why they are dropping? Is this common and are there any good solutions?

Thanks in advance!!!!!
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By Inq720
#93915 I'm reading between your lines. So if the assumptions I make are incorrect, please elaborate on your post.
  • I had to look up WLED. Sounds like a sophisticated and established system... almost a product. Your implementation would have to follow their rules. As such, the expert on that system is its author or if they have a forum, you should head there.
  • Since you didn't add code snippets, wiring diagrams and such, it sounds like you are more interested in just assembling the pieces and expecting the WLED system to work as advertised.
  • This forum is more about generalized programming of an ESP, not using some author's library... unless said author has a thread here and uses this forum as a tech support path.
  • I also looked through rpiloverbd links and they do hit some software and hardware issues related to dropped connections that I implement in my InqPortal library.
  • The fact that WLED sounds mature, the software aspects should be taken care of. IOW, you should not have to be concerned about those.
  • Which in my mind, leaves your wiring configuration or some component in your system being faulty.
  • The one fact in your post that also indicates faulty wiring or component is "powering through the USB getting hot"
    • Something is terribly wrong with your configuration if USB to the ESP8266 is overheating.
    • I just loaded up an ESP web server via a USB smart phone charger... with multiple browsers connecting to it and pumping data... It is only using 8 mA! That will never overheat.
    • Since the pins are only rated at supplying 10 mA each, that means if all pins were being used properly, you should never be drawing over 100 mA... again... not enough to be heating up.
Summation - If you supply a wiring diagram or photo clearing showing your configuration, someone here might give you a better answer of where your problem lies.

Good luck.