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By jlawton
#93784 Hi, I have a 3018-style Arduino-based CNC I recently purchased. In order to send files to it you use a program called LaserGRBL. The way it comes it will talk to a USB port but I HAVE to use it wirelessly. Now LaserGRBL will talk to an ESP8266 configured as "websocket" (I think it will work as telnet too but that's not the hardware I plan to use with it). Now on his webpage LaserGRBL talks about the ESP8266 binary file in terms of programming from the Arduino (something about a ".ino file") but mine is all programmed, I just want to get an appropriate binary file into the ESP8266 flash. So you would think that Nodemcu does that, well they have a rather elaborate system where you specify which of 70 different modules you want in the build, and it will put together exactly THAT. Now I've tried to get hold of LaserGRBL but his take is "don't even try and call me for support!" for which I don't blame him, but still how do I find out WHICH modules belong in the build in order to make a "websocket" program for ESP8266 which is compatible with LaserGRBL? I've tried at least 3 different configurations so far and I don't seem to have "hit on" it. I hope that's clear enough, I don't really know enough to say much more about it...!