Also, not seeing your output... or a schematic or... picture of your wiring and you said NONE of the output is readable. I'll take a flying leap... and start with the most trivial answers...
- Do you have the same baud rate in the Serial Monitor (9600)?
- ESPs run so much faster than Arduino, the program can be running full tilt before the Arduino Serial Monitor gets hooked up. Sometimes you won't see what's prints in the setup. Add a long delay(2000); after the Serial.begin(9600); And put in a Serial.println("init Success"); statement Hopefully you'll see it.
- Have you tried other pins? I see on and I don't know what your driver pin requirements are. For instance if driver's first parameter pin (16) expects interrupts or PWM, it won't work. NodeMCU 16 doesn't support them. And the chart referenced, doesn't list capability for 10.
- If you change wiring and code, you also may need to see how your 433 pins are at startup. Say... if the 433 holds a pin high and you put it on pin 15, the ESP8266 will fail to boot. All that is in that reference about half way down.
w/ GUI Admin Client, Drag & Drop File Manager, OTA Built-In, Access Point Manager,
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Even usable on ESP-01S --- Please check it out!