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By Ambro
#19115 Good day to all of you in this forum,
I am very new to and i am starting to use my ESP_01.
I Flashed it using the nodeMCU and I was able to make it working by loading the web server to control two LED's and a program that allows to read the DS18b20 temperature with output on the console.
Now I would like to read the temperature on my cell phone through the web but I do not know how to merge the two programs ( web server and temperature reading ).
Could anyone help me please ? How could I do it ?
Thanks for helping,
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By Ambro
#19328 Thanks a lot for replying to me.
I am very new to this esp and LUA code...
What are the program tha I have to load in addition to the ds18b20-web.lua ?
What line should I modify to connect my wifi home net ( if any ) ?
Thanks again