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By Tom91_UK
#20460 Wiring:
ESP8266 connected to 3.3V external supply. RX+TX connected to bi-directional level shifter 3.3 <> 5.5V to Arduino.

Screenshot of Basic communication:

CWJAP is obviously fail, but I think there is something to do with communication settings itself. all other baud rates wouldn't work apart from 115200, however I can't find why my ESP CIOBAUD? shows an error when trying to get that information.

What are possibly causes for that?

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By sfyffe
#20591 Hi Tom,

Depending on your version of firmware you may need to use this to change the baud rate:


The busy p is normal if the module is blocked on a prior command. You will need to build into your code a wait\retry logic or do a hard reset on the power. Really, by the time you get the correct process down then the module behaves as it should and you rarely ever see busy returns.
