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By deadmetaphor
#21523 Hey! I just recently got my first ESP-01 and am trying to wire it up.

Every time I connect the CH_PD pin to 3.3V (either through a 10k pull up resistor or directly) both the red and blue LEDs light up in sequence and the power adapter seems to struggle (the LED indicator on the adapter goes off).

I have attached a video of me trying to connect the CH_PD to 3.3V (first via the pull up and then directly).

Any idea what's wrong? Have I fried it? :roll:
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By kolban
#21567 By any chance is your ESP starting to heat up? Does it get hot after a few minutes of operation? What is being fed as input into your MB-102? Do you have a voltmeter to check it? Can you also check the polarity of the plug being plugged into it?