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By Tom_Neverwinter
#22034 I have spent the past week and a half attempting to connect to several esp8266-01 and esp8266-201 boards

I know that the connection is correct, wiring, power, baud rate is correct, com is setup for ftdi properly. ( i have tried windows 7 and windows 8 with two different computers)
I have successfully flashed the newer nodemcu firmware onto the boards with the nodemcu loader, but I am unable to upload my .lua files. I have only been able to program with the arduino ide and I'm not interested in using that.

I would really like to be able to use lualoader or 0.87, esplorer would be fantastic!

any help greatly appreciated
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By jankop
#22063 Try LuaLoader 0.87 and run it first as the administrator. Set the correct COM port and upload the LUA program. If you do not have an error in the wiring, so no problem.
And most importantly, you provide us with some information, we can hardly anyone advise without it.