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By Naga
#205 Hey,

I just got my module today, looks like its the 01 type with additional GPIOs.

Now I just wanted to get some output (like the AT+RST) to see if its working but I dont recieve anything from the chip so I conected VCC/GND/RXD/TXD (the 4 pins in the middle NC)
The red power LED lights up and the blue one flickers on uart send - but nothing is recieved.

The serial console is set to 57600 baud 8n1 (nothing even on debug - 115200)
(usb to 3v3 ttl - working with other hardware)

What am I doing wrong?
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By Bert
#210 Your settings seem to be correct. Did you accidentally reverse RX/TX by any chance?

Also try resetting the IC by removing and reconnecting power, maybe it prints some info at boot time.