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By Taher Kawantwala
#23499 Hello,
I am using ESP8266 ESP-01 module with ATmega32 controller for a websocket client program. I am having Trouble with Continues operation of the Program.
In our code, ATmega32+ESP send websocket handshake request to server. Server send response headers to ATmega32 + ESP.
After verifying Handshake ATmega32 sends "OK" message in masking format as per WebSocket protocol. Then after server sends few messages and then send closing frame. ATmega32 CLOSE server connection by sending AT+CIPCLOSE command to ESP. After few seconds, ATmega32 again connect to the server and the above process repeats.

The problem is, after few cycles, ESP is not able to send data to AVR ATmega32. After HANDSHAKE we are sending Encrypted "OK" message to server using AT+CIPSEND Command. But after few Cycles ESP is not responding to this command after sending "OK". ATmega32 is not receiving "SEND OK" message from ESP.

When I reset ATmega32, it receives SEND OK from ESP.

ATmega32 and ESP are working good on terminal individually. Baude rate is 115200.

ESP8266 ESP-01 Firmware version is 0.9.5

ESP8266 getting little HOT after few cycles.