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By Mondo90
#24733 Hello,

as in subject my ESP-01 version has just arrived, I opened it up, read the doc ( and feel kind of lost. I plan to connect ESP8266 to atmega16A uC to steer the robot move but I can't find any info how to establish connection. My questions:

1. There are some informations about firmware update, why should I update it ? What is the point of that, and is it neccesery ?
2. Is there any info how to connect it to Atmega uCs ? Any idea how to establish connection between those devices ?
3. I noticed interesting app for robot steering task called - *roboremo*, but it has literally no info about how it works - no docs at all. Does anybody know ? Maybe you can advice better app ?

Thanks in advance ;)
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By Mondo90
#24984 Thanks for reply @tytower.

Today I am going to start play with this module but am I right that I should wire and power the module right, then establish connection between module and my pc via i.e putty, next set proper baud rate for sending data to Atmega16a. Is it the right scenario ?
