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By trev
#1957 Hi all

I want to create a udp packet based network. I configured the esp8266 for udp on a port. My network is 192.168.0... so I opened a udp network to

When I sent data out from my pc on the network to the esp8266 does not pick it up. I then send data out via the esp8266 and the pc receives it so I know there is a connection and udp is working partially. Is there a special sequence to enable udp packet reception or is it not working? All the examples I have found so far use TCP.

Thanks for any help

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By mamalala
trev wrote:Hi all

I want to create a udp packet based network. I configured the esp8266 for udp on a port. My network is 192.168.0... so I opened a udp network to

When I sent data out from my pc on the network to the esp8266 does not pick it up. I then send data out via the esp8266 and the pc receives it so I know there is a connection and udp is working partially. Is there a special sequence to enable udp packet reception or is it not working? All the examples I have found so far use TCP.

Thanks for any help


You need to start the server on the ESP. Sorry, don't have the exact AT command at hand, but it is the description of the AT commands for the firmware. You tell it what protocol and port to use, after that it will receive data.


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By charliex
#1996 AT+CIPMUX=1

where 2000 is the port number, the 9000 is the timeout i'm using, should probably lower it.

i'm using specific port though, and direct IP vs a broadcast/multicast should also check your mask. make sure that 0.255 is the broadcast address
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By picstart1
#1997 The AT commands supported are dependent on the firmware bin so its helpful if the specific firmware is identified.
Ex. The firmware below doesn't support AT+CIPSTO



I know what's in a firmware or not in firmware ought to be resolved by documentation especially since conjuring up new AT+ commands and removing others is wide open but
documentation is often out of date or wrong.
I have my fingers crossed that AT+GMR id's aren't the same when the firmware is different.