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By otacxxl
#29995 Hi all,

I am new to ESP8266. I would like to control my central heating with two ESP8266 modules. One module would be placed in my living room and I would connect one ds18b20 temperature sensor to that module. What I would like is to access that module via web (from my mobile phone) and read current room temperature and set my desired room temperature. When the current room temperature is lower than my desired room temperature I would like for that ESP module to send a signal to another ESP module which is connected to my central heating system via relay module, than that (second ESP module) module would trigger (via relay) my central heating system. Those two ESP modules would be connected to my home wireless router.
What would be the best way to implement this system?

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By eduperez
#30138 You seem to have everything figured out, I do not understand what are you asking exactly. There are examples for reading the temperature from a sensor, examples for having a web page, and examples for controlling a relay; you just need to mix all that together.

Or you can go all the way, and use MQTT + Mosquitto + OpenHAB; you decide.
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By trendchaster
#30184 Hello guys,
I am using MQTT. I want to convert MAC Address into string>I tried so many things but it wont work.Any suggestion or idea will be appreciated.I implemented this one but my esp crashes at this point and again restart.
os_sprintf(abc," rdaddr: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\r\n tsaddr: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\r\n",
MAC2STR(probe_request->rdaddr), MAC2STR(probe_request->tsaddr));