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By ShlomiAssaf
#34517 Hi guys!

Im a software developer, making my first baby steps in the HW world :) learning as I go.

Trying to connect a Thermistor to the ADC input, with strange issues... My Thermistor is 10K, I used a voltage devider with the Thermistor as R2 and 110K Ohms as R1 (3.3V). The Thermistor is -20 to 100C, assuming its 10K at 25C I figuered its 100K at -20. Anyway, The problem is that I get different ADC readings then the actual voltage.

For example, I get 0.297 on my volt meter (room temp, around 23-24C) but the raw ADC value is 240 (out of 1024), this does not make sense... its should be around 300~

Any help is appreciated