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By Tomer Abramovich
#37094 Hello, I'm trying to use ESP8266 with a PIC microcontroller, when I reset the ESP8266 I receive all the garbage initialization data and "ready" in the end, then, I try to send "AT" followed by carriage return and line feed, but I do not receive any response back from the module. I do get the "AT" + the carriage return and line feed echoed back, but not a response. Any idea what might cause this?
By the way, where can I find details about the ESP8266 UART configuration? (i.e parity, stop bits, etc)

Thanks in advanced!
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By jgustavoam
#37103 ESP 8266 Interface Reference
8E-ESP8266__Interface_UART__EN_v0.2.pdf Uart User Guide

ESP8266 Hardware Guide ... 1545#p1545
0B-ESP8266__Hardware_User_Guide__EN_v1.1.pdf Hardware reference design guide

ESP8266 AT Commands
4A-ESP8266__AT Instruction Set__EN_v1.4.pdf List of AT commands based on esp_iot_sdk_v1.4.0
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By kenn
#37127 As part of my learning process with the ESP8266, I wrote test programs on my PC in Python that talked to the AT firmware over a USB to serial cable. I found it was a great way to get familiar with the AT commands and responses. It's super fast to make changes andf try stuff, and once you have some successful routines in Python using the AT commands, it's very easy to translate the Python routines into something for the PIC.

You can also use the USB to serial cable to help debug your setup - use a terminal on the PC to monitor what the ESP is sending to the PIC.