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By sopwyin54
#37670 Hi! I'm having an issue with an ESP8266 working with a Teensy 3.1 board. To make this post quicker:
-I haven't done much research on the topic because of time constraints
-This project has been kind of rushed
-There is a Java server that accepts and returns String data which my project talks to through the ESP8266
--This server seems to work perfectly fine; I don't believe it is at fault.
-My code works in that the job does in fact get completed (just too slowly, read on)

Without delving into the depths of my code, my problem is that I can't seem to make rapid connections one after the other without the ESP8266 complaining about "ALREADY CONNECT" and then "OK Unlink" even though the connections should be closing after data is returned. I've found that waiting a bit over ONE WHOLE SECOND between connections solves the problem, but that is an awful solution in my eyes because now the task is completed very slowly.

ALSO... I tried sending "AT+CIPCLOSE" (and then waiting for a few (50) milliseconds) before trying to start each next connection (to ensure that no active connection was still in the way), but it STILL says "ALREADY CONNECT" and then tries to unlink or completely resets and re-displays "ready" after a couple seconds. What's going on? Is this a common issue? A quick google didn't give me much... Any help appreciated.

This post was rushed too- forgive me.