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By Okeanos
#38428 I'm sorry but I have to ask this question. I watched so many tutorials about the ESP8266-01 that I'm really confused. Everyone gets different versions if he uses "AT+GMR". Are there so many AT Firmwares?

Mine is:
AT version: (Aug 8 2015)
SDK version: 1.3.0
Build: (Sep 11 2015)

Is that a "good" version? I found so many stuff that I don't know what to do.

Please help me
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By xtal
#38439 I don't use the AT version, But I did recently download from Espressif and If I remember corectly it was v 1.5.0 ,, but that may have been the SDK[development] version...

Looks like sdk 1.5.1 just became available