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By doragasu
#40730 I am trying to develop a tool to upload firmware to the ESP8266 module. Currently I have implemented successfully functionality to enter bootloader, sync and start flash procedure. But when I send the first data packet, the module replies with error code 0x07, and I'm wondering what does it means.

Are these error codes known?
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By xtal
#40731 There is a very good FW tool --> ESP FLASH DOWNLOAD TOOL V2.4
unless you just want to reinvent the wheel, because it is a challenge.
You may have to dig into the bootloader code to find what the errors are..
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By doragasu
#40975 Of course I checked esptool, I have studied its code to make my version. But it does not define the bootloader error codes.

Unfortunately I have to reinvent the wheel, because the hardware I'm building must be able to flash the firmware by itself.