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By nathon
#42314 I just posted an ESP8266 off of and have not been able to successfully interact with it. I'm connecting through a known working USB to TTL converter. I'm using a separate 3.3v power supply to provide power since the USB to TTL converter won't show up when trying to provide all power to the ESP8266.

Pins Connected as Follows
VCC (ESP8266) -> 3.3v (Pwr Supp)
RST (ESP8266) -> 3.3v (Pwr Supp)
CH_PD (ESP8266) -> 3.3v (Pwr Supp)
TX (ESP8266) -> RX (USB2TTL)
RX (ESP8266) -> TX (USB2TTL)
GND (ESP8266) -> GND (USB2TTL)
GND (Pwr Supp) -> GND (USB2TTL)

LED Status
ESP8266 - Red Solid, Blue Flashes with Commands Entered in Terminal
USB2TTL - Red Solid
Pwr Supp - Green Solid

Software & Configuration
Using PuTTY to COM7 (USB2TTL)
Baud: 115200 (Tried 57600 & 9600)
Data Bits: 8
Stop Bits: 1
Parity: None
Flow Control: XON/XOFF

Power On Screenshot
I can see text when I power on the device, but some of it is garbled.!4234&authkey=!ANryctmTSdbvoiw&v=3&ithint=photo%2cjpg

When I try to enter an AT command, it allows me to type it and send it. The blue light flashes on the ESP8266 for each key I press as well as enter. However, nothing happens.

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?