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By jeeturk
#42818 Hi,

I'm using ESP8266-01 for the first time. I flashed the ESP with v0.9.5.2 AT Firmware.bin using ESP FLASH TOOL V2.3. The flashing went well. I removed the GPIO0 wire and power cycled the ESP and I'm attempting to connect via COM13 port. I expecting it to connect and show me firmware version, nothing happens. I then tried to use ESPlorer to write some file (basic init.lua script) onto it, it comes back with Waiting for ESP - Timeout error. My ESP is powered from a separate 3.3V supply and I'm using CH340G USB to TTL serial module.

The ESP module is the same as this one: [banggood]5Pcs-Upgraded-Version-1M-Flash-ESP-01-WIFI-Transceiver-Wireless-Module-p-980105.html[banggood]

Btw, I flashed with this firmware only because the first time I connected, it didn't show anything on connecting to COM port. The flashing went well, but when I use putty or ESPlorer, communication is not happening or the chip is not returning anything.

Any hints what could be wrong? Does this model need a different firmware?