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By martinayotte
#45356 The GPIO idle state should always be the same level as the require Boot state.
Since both GPIO2/GPIO0 need to be HIGH for proper boot, your relay circuit need to be HIGH when relay is OFF, so as explain in the last link, you need 2 NPN transistors, the first one to invert the GPIO level, and the second to drive the current to the relay. Those NPN can also be replaced by MOSFETs.

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By ssdesign
#45386 Thanks for your replies.
Will try your suggestions.

Also wanted to know, do we always have to hard code the wifi access point details? or can the ESP be connected to any WiFi dynamically.

For example, in my case, trying to use an iPhone app to trigger relays which are connected to ESP on a circuit board.
Hence, trying to figure out how to send access point details to ESP using iPhone.

Maybe its not easy as iPhone would not be able to communicate to ESP unless ESP is on a WiFi, right?
Would making ESP an access point itself will help?

Very new to all this, so please pardon any ignorance :)