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By skielpad
#4356 Hey guys,

I've seen a lot of people having problems with the 5V signals of the Uno. This is why I ordered an due, which works with 3.3V signals.
I know you can solve the problem with a simple voltage divider, and I've got that working with my uno, but my main problem was that I couldn't get the software serial to work, this way I couldn't talk to my ESP through the serial monitor.

The Due has an programming serial port and a native serial port and 4 hardware TX and RX's for communication.

By using two different TX and RX-ports, I should be able to use the serial monitor when I am coding the arduino chip, right?
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By alonewolfx2
#4357 yep
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By skielpad
#4397 So, which is weird. I've got it working with an uno, but when I connect it the same way:

AT of ESP --> AT0 of Due
TX of EXP --> TX0 of Due

The ESP doesn't seem to transmit, while I read on the forum that the Uno doesn't supply enough current for the ESP to work.
The Due is able to supply 800mA on the 3.3V:


which should mean it should work, anybody experience with the due who knows where the problem may be?
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By grantnlee
#4791 I am just now up and running on a Due. I run directly off the 3.3v power on the Due. And only using the USB to power the Due. It seems to be working fine. I have a simple program up and running sending data to ThingSpeak and it seems to be running without power issues.

The setup is as basic as you would image:

Arduino Due -- ESP8266
3.3v -- VCC
3.3v -- CH_PD

I chose to communicate with the ESP8266 via Serial3 so that I could continue to use Serial(0) as a debugging port (already hard wired to the USB cable).
