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By gmc
#8024 Running the esp with the latest firmware code.

What kind of uptime is everyone getting from these devices?

I'm getting the device randomly rebooting, can be from anywhere from a few mins to a few hours.

Finding myself having to check the response from every command and now might have to build in a hardware reset if the response if a error or restart detected. Seems very unstable to me :(
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By EasyIoT
#8037 Yes, I have the same experience. That's why I in ESP8266 EasyIoT library implemented ping which constantly sends ping and checks response. If it's no response library try to reconnect and if it's no response finally reset ESP8266. Library sends data only if connection is a live. Sometimes ESP8266 can work couple of hours, sometimes it disconnect in couple of minutest. I didn't find any logical pattern why this happens. But anyway - ESP8266 is cheap WiFi, so do not expect too much. But with little workaround it can work reliably. ESP8266 EasyIoT library can handle this anomaly and you do not need to care about stability.
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By gmc
#8040 Thanks - thats a good tip. Will look at doing something like that as well.