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By changliu
#19710 I connected a Yun pin 10/11 to the 8266 today, trying to use the Soft Serial to talk to the UART pins. I watched plenty of videos to know how to get the pins up , and I can type something in (like AT+RST) and the system would spew back a few characters (strange characters). But it is not the version number and ready stuff.

How do I know if the firmware is updated? I got it from sparkfun. As I understand flushing the firmware requires some serious work so I am not ready to do it unless I know it is the source of problem.

Is there any general thoughts? it is frustrating. Any past experience where the TX produces some words is very welcome.

By the way I am using a YUN for it not a UNO since it basically is just using the Soft Serial functions of the Yun, not anything else.
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By tytower
#19719 ESP8266 puts out some reset stuff at 74800 baud first and then changes to 115200 baud I think so maybe thats what you are seeing . Perhaps delay for a second or two to allow that to happen?
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By cal
tytower wrote:ESP8266 puts out some reset stuff at 74800 baud first and then changes to 115200 baud I think so maybe thats what you are seeing . Perhaps delay for a second or two to allow that to happen?

I doubt that softserial gets him to those baud rates. Too slow I guess.
If you firmware happens to boot into 115200 baud you either need some uart adapter or flash with a 9600 baud one.
On flashing the board does baud autodetection AFAIK. I think i read about people programming
via arduino. I shortly looked into it and then decided to buy an adapter.
Make sure that the commands you type really get to the board and that you use 9600 baud.
Type something, disconnect the wire going to esp rx and continue typing.
If you still see what you type you have echo mode enabled somewhere on terminal prog or arduino.

Hope that helps,
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By changliu
#19738 Thank you. I am buying a USB to UART programmer. Any recommendations? or any good desktop software? Ideally something that is useful but not fancy or requires significant learning. Ideally I need a tool to help flush it? is LUA the thing? it seems pretty significant to learn on its own.

It is definitely some kind of signal going to ESP. I can see when I enter UART command the blue light on the ESP always flashes.

I tried some dry cell attached directly. Gush, this thing can go wrong on some many different things ...