- Wed Jan 07, 2015 5:40 pm
EasyIoT wrote: I'm using ESP8266EasyIoT library. But you gave me good idea. I can prepare EasyIoT server for windows machine. It will be without Raspberry Pi dependent components like NRF24L01 mysensors driver and GPIO driver. Without those components EasyIoT can work on desktop machine.
Thanks for the suggestions and the help. Please keep me updated on your project and your EasyIoT server for a windows machine. I would be very interested.
maptor wrote:I think you're definitely on the right track for thinking up a successful setup. I might encourage you to try and nab bits and pieces from other peoples' existing projects and modify them to get a hack of what you're after. Then clean things up / rewrite them, maybe even getting some help from here with that.
Thanks for the support! I've been doing a lot of research on this. I haven't found much so far, but the encouragement is appreciated!