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By AdaBill
#25268 Stoney,

Thanks for the reply.

I have the OLED working with a small font.h file that gives me plenty of characters (16x8) but only that one size. I'd like to be able to change the font size on a couple lines, but cannot do it with the current file. I picked it up from some other postings on this site. The file is small and it does work so I've moved on to get the balance of my code running. I have 2 sons in Atlanta and they have a meat curing chamber. We converted a stand up freezer with separate temperature and humidity controllers. Curing meat the old way involved packing it in salt for a couple weeks, then hanging in a cave for a couple months to a year to cure it. The caves were around 50 *F and 65% relative humidity. The chamber has worked out well, but I (Being a nosy engineer) trust the controllers, but wanted to see the data to make sure it was running properly. The ESP8266 12E NodeMCU development board and DHT-22 (using Arduino IDE) work great to put the data on the local OLED. It also allows me to track it on ThingSpeak from here in Mi. I'm finishing up the H/W and S/W and will be sending it down to Atlanta this weekend to have one of my sons put it into an acrylic enclosure for protection and display to their friends. If you'r interested, their is a Public site to view the data. It is still a work in process and the data won't be Actual for another couple weeks. Right now I have it hooked up to my refrigerator (Wife's not too happy with wires and clutter).

When I get this completed I'll move back to trying to get the 12e AND OLED working with a better library, like the AdaFruit to make a local weather display.
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By Mario Mikočević
#25346 Heya,

the thing with SSD1306 and only one font size is that OLED hardware makes it very easy to do so. If you want different font sizes and/or graphics you have to framebuffer it.
For first option you can checkout my lib at, for the later Adafruit GFX/SSD1306 library is required. Adafruit's lib treats OLED as x by y pixel area with local variable copy so you can do any graphic/text primitives. My only grief with Adafruit's lib is that there is no proper I2C setup for SSD1306, lib is mostly for SPI OLEDs.
