Post topics, source code that relate to the Arduino Platform

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By RichardS
ssokol wrote:I'm hoping that somebody will create an Arduino Pro Mini clone with an onboard ESP8266. I can buy the current Pro Mini clones for ~$2.50 and the ESP-01 for ~$3.00. I would think that the Deek-Robot folks that make the clones could probably come up with a design that they could sell for $5 or so.

I have one almost done and will be releasing it soon, also totally, really FCC approved! But it will not be $2.50+$3, as I am not in China and I have North American bills to pay! And North American employees wages to pay :roll: Not sure the price yet, but within reason. And I am not targeting "hackers" I am targeting all the users, using Arduino's that can not build things on their own and need a ready to go platform. This Arduino will come with some special code that runs on it that is still in the secret stage :D and allow people to integrate it VERY quickley with smart phones and tablets.
