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By NardJ
mrburnette wrote:Would not the "real" trick here be to implement the ESP version as a C64 webserver? Input would be a 1 line buffer as would line edit and output to the browser Ajax enabled :shock:

To take this a step further: Would it be possible to stream video from the esp8266. The esp8266 could read (and interpret) the video ram of the emulator and stream it to a smart-tv or browser using this as display. Following url has a nice writeup of the different options:

Would this be feasible?
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By WaxyMouthfeel
#28676 It doesn't have the horsepower to raster a video screen, but it's not necessary if we're aiming for text-mode alone. I think we could get there with minimal extra load on the ESP. There's a C64-style, PETSCII compliant web font out there. You could do it via AJAX calls, but I think WebSockets might be the Right Way to Do It. Heck, I think the WOFF font would probably fit in the flash.

Now that I think about it, you might be able to get the sprite and draw data and poot out canvas objects, leaving the actual video rendering to the browser. Pretty sure that's how a lot of javascript emulators do the job. If you're hitting the ROM to get UART data out of it, you're probably 25% of the way there already.
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By RichardS
#28716 Do you want a section on this site for your PET project :-) currently only one project in that section, but its a very cool project and I can releate, my whole career started with the PET! :-)
