Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By Hzd
#44750 Hi there.

First post, so be gentle :)

I've been way to brave, when I plunged into this so I'm asking for help.

Here's what I have:
Adafruit Huzzah Feather (esp8266)
Hr-sc04 range sensor
Arduino Uno

I have more or less no experience with arduino and programming and none with wifi languange.

Here's what I'm trying to acheive:
To send the distance measured by the range sensor to max/msp on my mac.

I managed to get the range info transmitted from the uno board over usb to the mac.

How do I proceed? Is it possible to program the huzzah to do all the work? I.e. do the range sensor and transmit the data or would I have to have the arduino to do the range stuff and transmit it to the huzzah, wich then transmits it to the computer?

I'm guessing I going to use some udp transmitting? Where can I find some code examples for that?

A bit of a mouthful og questions but this is all a bit of a mouthful for me :)
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By Geert
#44908 I haven't played with MAX MSP, but it seems to support the OSC protocol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHjOZLcTmrw

It looks like someone tried to implement OSC onto the ESP/Arduino : https://github.com/sandeepmistry/esp8266-OSC take a look at the UDPOscuino example, it does compile on my computer, so that is hopeful :D

Take a look at that library and add it to your Arduino library folder see: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Libraries#toc5

Hope your braveness will result in something, let us know if you get it working :)

EDIT: BTW: A little tip, try smaller steps first, getting your sensor working, than getting UDP/OSC working, try to get a analog Sensor working (potentiometer or someting), and try then to combine the pieces of code