Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By Mingy
#49182 I had been working on a project on Eclipse Arduino V3 but I think everybody uses the same compiler.

Because I am developing parts of code I'm working on is festooned with printf statements. From time to time, those printfs are flat out ignored: I know the code is being executed but the text never makes its way to the screen.

Last night I had a statement
printf("%s", message);

which refused to work. I know the message was OK because I printed it earlier. Changing the statement to
printf(" %s", message); //note the leading space

made the exact code work fine.

This is sporadic and I don't have any examples to share at the moment. Because my project is pretty big (> 1000 lines) I suspect the total project is more significant than the actual statement. (i.e. maybe there is a page crossing or word crossing issue somewhere).

I just figured I'd mention it.
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By Mingy
#49378 This problem came up again over the past few days.

Again, I knew the code was executing because I was updating a log file.

I tried spaces, etc., in the string to no avail.

Eventually I asked Eclipse to re-index the code and "clean" it.

After that the problem went away. For now.