Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By GigAHerZ
isti37 wrote:Nodemcu, I don't think you gain any advantage with pure C/C++ unless you want to do some math, however you can always compile nodemcu with native c code and use the functions in lua.

Sorry, but you don't help. I'm very familiar with nodemcu and for my projects it's useless.
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By eriksl
#50949 Exactly.

How do you flash? UART? Crank up the baud rate to 1 Mbaud and you'll burn the flash within 10 seconds. If you're using some sort of OTA flashing, it will already be as fast as that.

It's quite complex to divide the code into sections that are always placed at fixed locations. Even though it should be possible, I wouldn't go there. Besides that it wastes lots of flash space.