Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By Surendra
#53471 I am presently using Eclispe Unofficial development kit for esp8266 and also Official Espressif Lubuntu based NONOS SDK, I would like to know if I can import all Arduino Libraries for this SDK as because all arduino libraries are depended on "Arduino.h" which itself is dependent lots of other libraries.

I am trying not to deviate from toolchain (not using Arduino IDE) but at the same time I want to use arduino ported libraries for esp8266.

Thanks in Advance...
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By Oleg Gerasimov
#53529 Short answer is yet.

1. Arduino.h does not depends on external 3-rd party libraries. It depends only on Arduino esp8266 core, umalloc, base64 and spiffs libraries, which are already bundled with esp8266 Arduino SDK.

2. You can see to official Makefile https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino#building-with-make
Just add your sources to it.

3. It is possible to use any another build system - look deep to https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino#building-with-make, and copy compiler options, included sources and libraries.
For example i'am using QtCreator and CMakeFile.txt. Here is my file: https://github.com/wiieva/examples/blob ... eLists.txt
I think, that cmake is better choice for building from IDE, because it gives IDE knowledge about all necessary source files and includes, and as result you gives code completion and linting feautures.