Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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#8350 A new version of my build Espressif DevKit for Windows v1.0.7
The list of changes to the first page:

Update procedure:
1. Remove the version 1.0.x
2. Install the new version 1.0.7
ATTENTION!!! When you delete the old version will be removed entire directory C:\Espressif
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By dricker
#8351 Thanks for the DevKit! I have a couple of questions though:

What is the default baud set and what logic level does GPIO0 need to be at in order to program? I built esphttpd and was able to flash both bin files to my ESP-01. My usb to serial doesn't have dtr so I pulled GPIO0 to gnd and used the "esp8266_flasher_simple" tool from http://www.electrodragon.com. Neither file had issue. But since flashing the 40000.bin file, I haven't been able to get it back into bootloader mode. The esp spits out some garbage characters when I power it on, but I can't get it to do much else. I can't get it into AP mode either.
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By kenn
#8778 I had a little bit of trouble getting esphttpd to flash properly, but I was finally able to flash the compressed web content manually.

There may be an error or two in the makefile for esphttpd in this devkit - example - at line 162:

htmlflash: webpages.espfs
if [ $$(stat -c '%s' $(FW_BASE)/webpages.espfs) -gt $$(( 0x2E000 )) ]; then echo "$(FW_BASE)/webpages.espfs too big!"; false; fi
$(ESPTOOL) -p $(ESPPORT) -b 256000 write_flash 0x00000 $(FW_BASE)/webpages.espfs

The flash address for the web content is given as 0x00000, but it should be 0x12000, I believe. This address error may be in a couple places in the makefile. Also... why a bitrate of 256000? I thought we were mainly using 112500?

Other than this small issue, this devkit for Windows has been a really great help. Thanks Mikhail! :D