Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By McChubby007
#71406 Having not heard of Dev-C++ before I just looked it up... It seems like a bit of a dead duck, and only supports C++11, last update 2015.
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By Narfel
#71467 DevC++ is around since Windows 95 and was written in Delphi which, to my surprise, is apparently still around, too. Borland is dead, though. The only reason why people sometimes still use and/or recommend DevC++ is because it is free and sets up the whole toolchain. Or they are old. Like me :)

One last recommendation that's not really a recommendation is Code::Blocks. It will probably run on a machine that is as slow as a machine not being able to run the Arduino IDE would be, but to be honest that is hardly anything workable.
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By McChubby007
philbowles wrote:
Narfel wrote:Or they are old. Like me :)

I'm VERY old (mainframes, valves even) but around the late 1970's I realised this programming thing needed to be kept up with!

Does anyone know of a COBOL compiler that targets the ESP8266, I do so miss my spaghetti code laced with GOTOs... :lol:

I've got a microsoft COBOL compiler, last used 1992. A 80286 is a bit like an esp8266, just with wifi, eh?
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By Narfel
#71668 That link gave me a chuckle once i paid attention to the details :) http://andriyadi.me/tag/esp8266/
Also, i distinctly remember german ATMs way past y2k still having COBOL interfaces in glorious green on black. And if i'm not mistaken the GDS (Global Distribution System) for airlines/carrental/hotels still uses what essentially amounts to ancient COBOL implemented 20 years before the internet came along.