Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By penright
#71862 Lot of post and have to be honest I did not read all of them. I did do a search but did not see anything on IntelliJ.
My next step is to get the hello world working with eclipse, but it my understanding that eclipse is a subset of IntelliJ. Should I be able to build ESP8266 firmware with IntelliJ?
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By muhanddis
#74305 Same problem here, Have you find any solution?

anhtran wrote:Hello, could you please help me check my problem getting start the Unofficial Development Kit for Espressif ESP8266 with Blinky and hello_world example. i can build and flash without error, but seem that the esp8266 does not run well, the led on NodeMCU module is continuous blink( fast ON/OFF) look like it is writing something on TX pin. I have tried install the development kit on 2 laptops but same problem. Please check my video.


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By AndreFeliciano
#76199 Hi,

The "vTaskSetApplicationTaskTag ()" function is not declared in the "tasks.o" file inside the "libfreertos.a" file.

I found in the "C: \ Espressif \ ESP8266_RTOS_SDK \ third_party \ frets" folder in the "tasks.c" source file.

How to compile only "tasks.c" or compile all to replace the "libfreertos.a" file with the "vTaskSetApplicationTaskTag ()" function?

Thank you very much in advance.