Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By Oldbod
#60641 I'm trying to recreate (in this case esp8266basic) an executable, but a number of the includes result in file not found or similar. Digging, it seems that if a library folder contains more than one file only the files with a name identical to the folder will be found by the compile process. Could anybody point me at a reference site for how arduino cc actually resolves things please? The documentation I've found so far is unhelpful - it just says use the tabs to choose files to add. Nothing about how compiler determines selection order or structure requirements. I expect I'm missing something obvious but it makes a simple task much harder when you can't see documentation...

Any pointers very gratefully received!
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By Oldbod
#60939 Over 150 reads but no replies so of at least minor interest to a number of people. Is this something which changes a lot by version? If it is, would be great to see it documented. I have a working compile but only by trial and error. Is there something somewhere on github I'm missing? I don't mind if replies start with "you're being a complete plank,it's obvious,look here!". It must be documented somewhere - I know I'm going to feel silly but honestly I don't mind that.
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By rudy
#60941 A strong point in using the Arduino IDE is that you don't have to know how things are made. I have been using it for three years and I haven't a clue about what you are asking. There are a lot of views but there are always a lot of guests rather than members and then there also are robots. Why don't you ask on the Arduino forum http://forum.arduino.cc/ as there is a larger base there.
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By DAFlippers
#60942 Have a look at the compiler output window as that tells you where is it looking and the libraries being used. Rudy's pointer would be where I would go. Indeed if I search for "arduino library locations" that gives a lot of helpful information on Arduino.cc.
