Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By thomaska78
#42098 Hi there coding overlords...,
I'm really new to all this. I have a basic understanding of writing c code in arduino ide. I've been googling around for deep_sleep commands, reset commands, wifi commands and so on... but I could never find a full command set specific for esp8266. Does such a list exist somewhere?
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By wifidude
#43244 I'm not sure if commands like deep_sleep() are included in the Arduino Libraries for ESP, but you can certainly access them if you write your firmware manually in C without the Arduino IDE. You will be using the ESP SDK instead.

This video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWo-ErpVZC4) is a great tutorial on getting started on directly writing C firmware and flashing the module via command-line with the ESP SDK. Must say though, this method is much more tedious (It took me several hours to get setup). The ESP SDK will give you more control over the module's features (manual here: http://www.mikrocontroller.net/attachment/245197/2C-SDK-Espressif_IoT_SDK_Programming_Guide_v0.9.5.pdf).

I actually just setup my environment few days ago, and am trying stuff out myself too.