The standard DHT11-schema contains a pull-up resistor but I'm not sure whether this is needed at all. (The ESP8266 will do the pull-up internally)
This board contains:
- 3x DS18(b)20 connectors. (Or any other 1-wire sensors) Using GPIO0 + pull-up resistor
- 1x HDT11 connector (Using GPIO2) + pull-up resistor
- Raspberry PI B+ interface for programming (No other hardware needed)
- ESP-01 interface for soldering or header/connector.
- Prog jumper (connecting GPIO0 to GND)
- PCD8544 interface connecting RST to ESP-01-RST via resistor and CE to GND via resistor.
- Backlight jumper/switch for PCD8544
I bought 10 of these boards and use them for everything. One for a programmer, 2 for temperature sensors, 1 as a DHT11-sensor, 1 to try to get the PCD8544 working.
What I miss, though, is a reset jumper, so I soldered a 4.7kOhm resistor between the backlight hole on the PCD8544-connector and one of the resistor-holes, which made the backlight-jumper a reset-jumper (for my programmer board).
There are no surface-mount parts, for easy DIY soldering.