Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By endoy
#13078 Hi all,

This my first post, i have a problem can't communicate RS232 with the esp module. Here i did, Using FTDI232 i connect rx to tx of ESP, and rx of FTDI232 to tx of ESP. I use regulator S1117-33PI which provide 3.3V for ESP. And i connect ground to FTDI,esp and Regulator. CH-PD pin is set by 3.3V.

When power up the ESP, it looks the red LED is turn on and the blueLED blinking in a second. Then, i connect FTDI232 to my laptop. I use hyperterminal and set baud rate 9600, 8bits, no flow,1 stop bits. The i type AT then enter,but no response. But i see the TX LED of FTDI is blinking when press enter but RX led didn't blinking. Then i try all baud rate from 9600 until 115200 but no luck.

So can you help me what's gong on? :cry:

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By markusk
#13289 i'm having the same issue.

to rule out a faulty cable i just hooked it up to a raspi's gpios - but it's the same. the module seems deaf.

after bootup i'm getting
Code: Select all[ Version:]


but no reaction to any commands other than blinking blue LED.

just starting to investigate, hope i can find something or someone could hint to a solution in here..
