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By feronimus
#82585 Hi. I am a total newb into this matter. I created a project where i have my Nodemcu working and updating through a server of mine with the help of the ESP8266httpUpdate library.

Now i decided to take it up a notch and make this into a prototype with a ESP12E . So my answer is this.

I have already flashed the original code into my ESP12E (the same code that is working on my Nodemcu), So how i am wiring it in order to work and to be able to update? I mean connecting 3.3V into its input and ground to ground for sure is not working.

I tried the following.

Ground to Ground
GPIO2 To 10K ress. to Ground
RST to 3.3V
EN to 3.3V
VCC to 3.3V

Now Although that is working fine, i am just finding myself walking blindly here just connecting things up.
Is there something that i am missing into my connections?
Will this be able to update or i need something else?
Why the RST to 3.3V is needed?
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By btidey
#82596 Once you have successfully flashed code including update onto the ESP-12E then the requirements for the wifi update are the same as your node module.

You must ensure the ESP-12E module has correct wiring to run normally and also be able to put it into serial flash mode for the first upload of the code. After that the wifi update can be used.

To run normally the ESP-12E needs

3.3V to VDD (advisable to add extra decoupling capacitor to GND to avoid any power spike problems)
0V to GND
EN pulled up to 3.3V. Can be directly connected if you are sure of not making mistakes
RST can be pulled up to 3.3V but the ESP-12E does have an internal pull up for this so it is not necessary

For run mode GPIO15, GPIO00, GPIO02 must be 011 during first part of boot (e.g. after power up or a manual reset). This is normally achieved by a 4k7 or less pullDOWN on GPIO15. GPIO00 and GPIO02 have weak pull UPS but some like to add 10K pull ups on these pins particularly if these pins are being used for interfacing.

For initial serial flash GPIO15, GPIO00, GPIO02 must be 001 during first part of boot so you need to have a mechanism to pull down GPIO00 temporarily to put the chip in flash mode.

Some have reported finding a pull up on RX was needed on some modules but I haven't experienced that myself.