Now i decided to take it up a notch and make this into a prototype with a ESP12E . So my answer is this.
I have already flashed the original code into my ESP12E (the same code that is working on my Nodemcu), So how i am wiring it in order to work and to be able to update? I mean connecting 3.3V into its input and ground to ground for sure is not working.
I tried the following.
Ground to Ground
GPIO2 To 10K ress. to Ground
RST to 3.3V
EN to 3.3V
VCC to 3.3V
Now Although that is working fine, i am just finding myself walking blindly here just connecting things up.
Is there something that i am missing into my connections?
Will this be able to update or i need something else?
Why the RST to 3.3V is needed?