Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By piersfinlayson
#42426 OP, I tried the source you provided and it works just fine on my ESP:

ROM = 28 FF 15 AE 72 15 1 B7
Chip = DS18B20
Data = 1 1 1 4B 1 7F FF C 10 E CRC=E
Temperature = 16.06 Celsius, 60.91 Fahrenheit
No more addresses.

(This was with no external pull-up.)
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By piersfinlayson
martinayotte wrote:You're lucky and probably don't have lot of ESR intereferences around. ;)
The Dallas specs are really mentioning 4K7 as the standard way to pull it up.

Agree 4k7 is the recommended approach, and I've seen others suggesting you need to drop down to 3k3 if you have multiple connected.

You're right there's not much interference around here, just what I generate!
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By fotastisch
#42951 Hi everyone!

First of all I need to apologize that I couldn't respond during the last week, but I've been a little busy and had too put my private projects on hold. ;)

Today, I received different sensors ( waterproof DS18B20). They show acceptable results with the example code, so the problem seems to be a bad charge of sensors (or clones). In case I receive an answer from the vendor, I'll let you know.

Thank you very much for your help everyone!!!