I'm messing around with a esp8266 and arduino mega for a while now. And it is a great chip, but i'm having some difficulties in programming.
For now i have my Mega and esp connected through serial2, and it is working correctly. Also i managed to upload data froma a digital sensor to thingspeak.com. That is also working great. But i want't to change to portals.exosite.com. But i can't seem to get the proper command to send my data to exosite. I was hoping someone could help me with it. I have tried a lot of different commands with the use of esplorer and AT+commands. But none of them seem to actual send data, maybe i'm doing it wrong with the \r\n lines i don't know.
I connect with AT+CIPSTART.
and then.............
hell i do not know what i haven't tried yet, but keep getting errors.
- Is there a easy way to send data to exosite???
- would a library for esp8266wifi help me??
- i have a ESP8266-05 so no GSPIO pins or any other options to make it easier i guess.
- i want to keep using my arduino IDE.
Hope someone could help me.
with kind regards,