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By delchrys2
#35703 Hello ESP owners,

I'm messing around with a esp8266 and arduino mega for a while now. And it is a great chip, but i'm having some difficulties in programming.
For now i have my Mega and esp connected through serial2, and it is working correctly. Also i managed to upload data froma a digital sensor to That is also working great. But i want't to change to But i can't seem to get the proper command to send my data to exosite. I was hoping someone could help me with it. I have tried a lot of different commands with the use of esplorer and AT+commands. But none of them seem to actual send data, maybe i'm doing it wrong with the \r\n lines i don't know.
I connect with AT+CIPSTART.
and then.............
hell i do not know what i haven't tried yet, but keep getting errors.

- Is there a easy way to send data to exosite???
- would a library for esp8266wifi help me??
- i have a ESP8266-05 so no GSPIO pins or any other options to make it easier i guess.
- i want to keep using my arduino IDE.

Hope someone could help me.

with kind regards,

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By delchrys2
#35791 so i have a curl working, but do not know how to rewrite it to a AT command:

the following curl works to actually upload a data entry.

curl \
-H 'X-Exosite-CIK: <MY CIK>' \
-H 'Accept: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8' \
-d 'test=15'

how do i rewrite this??
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By johannesvandevoorde
#45191 Hello,

I start just using the 8266 and like all of us started with an Arduino one sending AT commands by softserial.
This works like a charm.

However now I want to do some serious things. I have a couple of Mega's sending a lot of info to Exosite and getting commands back (like switch on airco living 22 degrees fan low) This is all working great with an ethernet card using the EXOSITE.H and ETERNET.H libs.

Now I want to change this communication to the ESP8266 V1 (so using the 8266 the same as the ethernet card)

This looks to be the same thing you tried to do. SO THE QUESTION IS DID YOU GET YOURS WORKING.???
kind regards