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By rith87
#9901 Hello,

Is there some sample firmware that sends HTTP requests? I understand that there is the AT command approach, but I can't use the AT demo firmware since I hope to run esphttpd on my esp8266.

The other approach I'm seeing is that I can "reverse engineer" the AT+CIPSTART and AT+CIPSEND commands but if there's some sample code lying around, I'd prefer to use that instead.
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By rith87
#10005 Hmm.. here's what I'm doing:

Code: Select allwifi_set_opmode(1);





This looks similar to the AT commands but I can't seem to connect to the wifi network.

How are the rest of the folks here combining esphttpd with http requests upon successfully connecting to a wifi network? Does everyone just go with esphttpd and kill off the service and switch to AT commands after?