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By koty0f
#10143 Hey you all. Ihave been testing ESP-07 with nodeMCU as serial <-> wifi bridge and the results are horrible. Im running on baud 921600. I send some data (100B packet) to serial, and wait to confirm message from esp and send it again using python script. I got only 1,4 KB/s. Do you have some better idea to speed it up? I there some faster firmware or so? I cant change flash memory. Dont need webserver. Only start AP, TCP and UDP server and push the data as fast as I can:D Thanks
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By pvvx
koty0f wrote:Hey you all. Ihave been testing ESP-07 with nodeMCU as serial <-> wifi bridge and the results are horrible. Im running on baud 921600. I send some data (100B packet) to serial, and wait to confirm message from esp and send it again using python script. I got only 1,4 KB/s. Do you have some better idea to speed it up? I there some faster firmware or so? I cant change flash memory. Dont need webserver. Only start AP, TCP and UDP server and push the data as fast as I can:D Thanks

When duplex and wait ACK each small packet - network speed is always low.
UART speed has nothing to do with the speed of the network - WiFi - network.
Proper organization of protocols TCP2UART running over 500 kbytes/s (full duplex in ESP8266).
Lua = low speed, low RAM + many of the restrictions.