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By Robothead
#9599 First time setting up an esp3266 and it works flawlessly! Great instructions...

How did you get thingspeak to round off to .5 of a degree instead of full degrees? Also, do you need a resistor between vcc and data on the dht22?

Now would it be possible to add an extra thermometer (say an lm35) and a switch toggle function (relay/led) without using up all the memory?

I'm still learning the basics of coding, so I can't judge what's possible as of yet! Thank you so much for the great work!
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By jankop
rkgarg20 wrote:Can someone help me with LUA code for MQ2 sensor? i have latest Lua firmware on esp8266.


This is a sensor with analog output and it is not entirely trivial . It is not about software, but it is especially hardware.

Today I made the unpleasant experience, that my DHT22 sensor stops working completely at lower voltage as 3V . This is very annoying for the construction of the battery-powered sensors.