Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By GengusKahn
#10727 Rather than use up all the extra current, just place a couple of 1N4001, maybe 3 or 4, or more I have a version with about 20 diodes(Some Parallel) to allow me to have up to 1A at 300mV Steps from up to 19V laptop PSU, 1N4001 inline with 9V to drop to a safe V level for LM1117, ADD diodes until you have 5V and all the heat will disappear.......and so will your problems especially if you then add 220uF at the 5V "Safe Level"........ :)
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By EadF
#10729 Generally it's not a good idea to tie a GPIO directly to Vcc or GND, better to use pullup/down resistors.
If the esp is trying to set a gpio to low and it is directly tied to Vcc it will most likely damage the chip.
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By Burak Günay
#10730 Well I pulled the GPIO.0 up with 1Kohm resistor ... GPIO.2 is non connected to anywhere ... and The RST is pulled up to High with 4.7K resistor .. Does this config sound good ?
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By GengusKahn
#10738 Are you using the Reset or GPIO pin ? if not leave unconnected, any path will only eat current, the ESP has internal paths (Pull up / down) if left unconnected no extra current consumed, you would only need to tie them through a resistor if they were in a particularly noisy electrical environment(brushes on a motor). To Flash just power up with a cable directly between gpio and gnd flash, power down remove power up......

Is it any more stable through diodes(cooler)?