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By GengusKahn
#10631 I have several ESP8266-01's running with Vcc (3v) linked to CH_PD via wire link, nothing attached to reset, after update best do a cold boot, your usb to serial cable has multiple protocol modes (I2C, SPI etc...) there may be some issue with this?, I use PL230 & CP2102 (hang a 3v ldo off the 5v) with no issues.
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By machGTR
#10859 I fixed the problem.
Apparently it was a power issue. My USB cable wasn't supplying enough current to the esp so that explains why I get the fatal exception errors. I switched to an external power supply that gives out 3.3 V and as long as the ground from the USB and ground from the power supply are grounded together, it all worked perfectly and I could connect through server mode. Thank you for the help!