Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By squix78
#10871 Hi community!

Yesterday finally my NodeMCU Dev Kit module with the ESP8266 arrived and I jumped right into setting it up. Since I had a few problems to get it running on my Mac I wanted to share my findings with you:

I hope you'll find it useful.

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By MK1888
#10882 I don't have that dev board, but I have the same problem with the flash script. I'm still troubleshooting it, but it looks like the USB-serial adapter doesn't do a good job with the DTR handshake line.

Try holding your button the entire time the flash script is running. It shouldn't need to be done on powerup, since the reset handshake line seems to work.
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By squix78
#10886 I tried all kind of combinations. No success. What you said about the handshake makes sense to me, since the blue light on the ESP8266 ESP12 lights up 1-2 per second while the esptool tries to connect. I also tried to set fix baud rates since the esptool otherwise tries to figure out the baudrate by itself "automagically" as they say on the web page...

This seems to be related:
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By MK1888
#10891 The baud rate won't matter.

The esptool doesn't try to figure out baud rates. The bootloader in the ESP8266 auto-syncs on whatever is sent to it. So any baud rate should work. I've used 256000.

I have no trouble with the RTS handshake line (connected to ESP reset), but do have trouble with DTR (connected to GPIO.0).

I hope to have some time this weekend to investigate further. After skiing, of course.